Friday, 24 July 2009

one night's suite

Life went on, even for Sienna and Sam. They finished high school, and Sam started to work for the army, as their father. Their children grew, Tristan took a great deal after his mother, and Talis showed a big interest in all kind of brain teasers, as chess. Still, everyone felt the strange, undefinable tension between the two. Meanwhile, the only thing they could feel, were two aching, longing hearts. They both knew, they could not exist any day longer, pretending not to be more than siblings, pretending to ignore each other, pretending to still have a life that's worth living.

"What.. what are you doing, Sienna.. we can't-"
"Shush, Sammy, just let me touch you, just for tonight. I can't, Sam, it's like telling me not to breathe." "Sienna, he's gonna-" "Please, Sammy."

So they reunited for one night. They had so much to make up for all those weeks, all these nights she was crying herself to sleep, all the restrained desires and urges.

But the next morning, waking up next to each other, she felt as if she was reborn, but she was alone with this feeling, for her brother didn't seem to feel anything but guilt.
"This was a mistake" he said, and left her behind.

Diego did not know anything, he thought everything was working out just fine. His son was working for the army, which made him really proud, and he thought the two finally overcame their odd phase. He truly believed they did not feel anything greater than siblings do for each other. This was probably one of the most peaceful times in Diego's and Briana's life. They did not know what hell their children went through every day, especially Sienna, who was terribly losing weight and if you knew her well, you could tell she was miserable.

However, Sienna has been keeping a lonely secret herself. She wasn't feeling well in the mornings, and she had a strange appetite lately. Sienna knew very well, that those were pregnancy symptoms. The reunion night has left it's track behind.

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